The Best Homebound Date Night Idea
-One way to spice up your relationship during Lockdown-
Now that we are living in very extraordinary and uncertain times. It is essential to practice mindfulness and maintain a healthy relationship with your significant other. Because when you have a healthy marriage or relationship you are better parents to your kids or if you don’t have kids better people in other aspects of your life - whatever that might be. It can help with anxiety and coping with all that is going on. And a strong unity will help you all get through to the other side of all this safely and sanely. I have always been a cup is full type of person doing my best to keep a positive attitude and outlook. With the current lockdown and stay at home restrictions going in the UK and many other countries like the US, I have taken the time to be very creative with ideas to help my family and I get through this.
One thing I have started during lockdown is Formal Fridays - Homebound Date Night. I kind of got this idea from Jimmy Kimmel’s Formal Fridays. It’s where the whole family dresses up including my two girls like we are going to see a fancy Opera or Ballet. We have a lovely home-cooked dinner and a little house party. It’s a great way to break up the week, especially for the kiddos.
Once the girls are asleep (hopefully by 7 pm) homebound date night starts. It’s like our usual Friday Film Wine night but we added some extra things to spice it up. First, we are dress to the 9’s and feeling like we are going out to celebrate red carpet style from head to toe. Then we will make cocktails - whatever is in stock in our house at the moment. Listen to music and surprise each other with a…..
Here’s a sample of mine! -xs
-Sheena Solis Date Night Gift Basket-
So whats in the date night gift basket? And what do you need? First off a lot of this stuff you already have in your house or in stock in the kitchen!!
- A basket. You probably have a basket laying around somewhere…..or even a reusable tote bag will do!
- Fill your basket with your favourite movie night treats. Mine is popcorn of course!
- Drinks: Water, sparkling water, night time tea…whatever you are in the mood for. Mine is wine!
- A cosy blanket. You have this in the house already.
- Cosy socks or slippers. Look in your closet.
- A candle for some mood lightening….My candles are scented and smell like lavender or grapefruit to chill the room out. Most people have candles at home. Alternatively, you can use incense, fairy lights or whatever you have to give some mood lighting. Or even something mindful, like my meditation singing bowl.
- And the final touch a surprise mini gift to wear for your next Formal Friday homebound date night! That is where I come in! Look beautiful on your next date night or surprise your significant other with one of my handmade unique jewellery pieces. While taking advantage of my 25% Off spring SALE! -SHOP HERE -
Now bring your date night basket to your sofa, turn on the TV to the film you will watch and enjoy a Homebound Date Night. P.S- this is good any time of the year. Especially for parents (when you can’t get a babysitter or want to save money) Plus no driving involved.
Hope this brightens up your weekend and you all are keeping well. I would love to see your Homebound Date Night Gift Baskets. Please share on Instagram and tag me with #SheenaDateGiftBaskets
Sending lots of love and light! -xs